Bug out bags are just for preppers and survivalists. Only necessary in the wild imaginings of survival fanatics and conspiracy theorists. They’re just for paranoid and delusional planning their unlikely escape from civil uprisings, terrorist attacks, and nuclear wars. Right? In this 3 minute read we answer the question: Are bug out bags necessary? And run through real life, ordinary and legitimate scenarios where having one at the ready might just save your life. Read on to find out why survival is not just for preppers anymore.
Are bug out bags necessary: TL;DR
Are bug out bags necessary? When are bug out bags necessary? In what real life, practical scenarios might you really need one? In this post, we present 4 practical scenarios to answer the sceptics.
Here’s when and why it might be useful and even necessary to have a bug out bag at the ready:
- When there is no emergency shelter nearby
- Adaptability, when the unexpected happens
- So you have what it takes when it’s time to survive
- When help doesn’t arrive.
To illustrate, we dive into each of these scenarios in detail, below.
Firstly, what is a bug out bag?
If you don’t already know what a bug out bag is, then you can read all about it in this post “What is a bug out bag (8 critical features of a legit BoB)”
You’ll learn why it’s called a ‘bug out bag’, and what it’s used for. Traditionally.
We even cover how it’s different from other popular emergency kits.
In short, a bug out bag is a comprehensive survival kit. It’s a backpack you pull together that includes everything you need to survive a natural disaster or emergency for at least 3 days.
So, why have a bug out bag? Let’s look beyond the hype at some real life SHTF scenarios.
1. No shelter when SHTF? It’s a bug out bag you’ll need
To understand this first scenario, it’s important you know the difference between a bug out bag kit and other emergency kits.
The simple answer is that a bug out bag kit (BoB) is more comprehensive and adaptable.
Bug out bags are the big kahuna of survival kits.
Bug out bag essentials include a tarp or tent, paracord, a bivy sack, sleeping pad and sleeping bag.
Your bug out bag kit will also have fire starting gear, as well as water filtration systems.
It will even include some bush survival tools – like a hacksaw or ultimate multi-tool.
A Go Bag on the other hand is smaller and doesn’t have these things.
If your plan in an emergency or natural disaster is to head to a local shelter or a friend’s place outside the danger zone, then a Go Bag is all you need. You’ll have a place to sleep and no need to start a fire for warmth, or to cook food or boil water.
So, that brings us to the first scenario.
What if you need to evacuate a natural disaster or emergency and have NO immediate accommodation or shelter options? Or you are isolated and forced to shelter in place?
There are tonnes of scenarios where evacuating to a shelter is not an option. Here are 4 we could think of immediately:
- We live remotely and on a creek. We don’t have an evacuation shelter or neighbours nearby. If we had to flee in a hurry, we’d be in our cars or on foot. Maybe even spending a night out in the open.
- What if the evacuation shelter is also damaged in the disaster? What if it’s flooded or burnt down or wind damaged? You have temporary shelter in your bug out bag.
- Maybe you’re on a road trip. An emergency occurs. Flash flooding for example. You won’t know where to evacuate to. You certainly won’t be arriving unannounced on a friends doorstep to stay the night. Bug out bag!
- Perhaps your location is cut off. You become isolated. The power is out and there’s no running water. You can’t get to medical supplies, food, or fresh water and there’s no heating. These are all real scenarios experienced by real people down under in 2022 floods.
2. Are you ready for the unexpected? Yes, with a bug out bag
But are bug out bags necessary?
We say yes, having bug out bag can help you become prepared mentally and physically for all kinds of emergencies. Even everyday ones.
You can use your bug out bag for just about any type of emergency or natural disaster. This is because, by design, its a comprehensive survival kit.
Bug out bag essentials cover fire, water, warmth, shelter, first aid, bush survival, and navigation.
All of your basic human needs are covered in the one pack.
So with one, you’re ready for the unexpected.
And that’s often the true nature of emergencies – they’re unexpected and unpredictable. Floods are bigger than expected. Cyclones and hurricanes more destructive.
Unicef calls these ‘sudden onsets‘. Floods, earthquakes, tsunamis and bushfires can all fall into this category.
With a bug out bag at the ready, you can adapt and respond to unexpected and unpredictable risks.
3. Are you ready to survive? It’s more likely with a bug out bag
If you’ve built yourself a bug out bag kit, its more likely you understand exactly what type of emergency you might face in your local area. You’ve done some research and that has convinced you to prepare.
If you go through the process of building a bug out bag, you’re also more likely to know your way around a survival kit.
And you’re more likely to have studied when and how to use everything in it.
You’ve probably even practiced using the equipment you have.
This means you will be more prepared, skilled and mentally ready for any type of emergency; not just a bug out scenario.
You’re more likely to be able to use a Ferro Rod to start a fire, for example. Or make a shelter out of your tarp and paracord.
And with the right tools, equipment and skills you have a greater chance of controlling your fear and keeping a level head in any situation.
And all of the studies and research shows that preparation – mental and physical – is the secret to survival.
“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.”
Colin Powell
4. Will you and your family be rescued? Don’t plan on it
When a natural disaster or emergency hits, help can’t get to everyone. Oftentimes there’s just not enough resources for all of the people needing rescue.
Even the Federal Government reports are saying so down under.
“The increasing complexity of disaster risks presents new challenges that could overwhelm the capabilities of our emergency services.”
Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements
That leaves a whole lot of people in trouble, when the time comes.
Your neighbour, a family member or friend, someone you care about.
We experienced this in a recent flash flood event. We called emergency services for help, but no-one ever came. We were left to fend for ourselves.
The fact is, as natural disasters get worse and even compound, more of us must have the resilience to take care of ourselves and our families. Not just in the midst of surviving, but in the aftermath. Because it may take days for help to come, if it comes at all.
And that individual resilience comes down to knowledge, skills, equipment, practice and mindset.
Exactly the things, as we’ve mentioned above, that preparing a bug out bag kit will help you with.
So, should I have a bug out bag?
Not everyone needs a bug out bag.
Whether or not you do depends on your personal circumstances. Your likelihood of facing a natural disaster. Whether or not you live in a natural disaster zone. Or if you live in an area with extreme weather conditions, such as heavy snow or flooding.
But if you live in an area that is not prone to natural disasters, or if you have access to emergency supplies and resources, such as a well-stocked emergency shelter, you may not need a bug out bag kit.
For now that is.
We think more people will be asking why have a bug out bag in the future. As natural disasters get worse and SHTF more often. As extreme weather occurs at greater scale and impacts areas that were safe in the past.
More of us will need a bug out bag kit at the ready. For our own survival, and to help our family, friends and community where we can.
And if any of the 4 scenarios above sound like they could apply to you, even remotely, then you should have a bug out bag kit ready. Definitely.
So, how do you build your own bug out bag kit?
Survival kits are personal. They should be tailored to your needs and those of your family. So you don’t overspend on one. So that you’re not carrying around gear you won’t use. And so that you have everything you need, and nothing more.
This is why you need to build your own bug out bag kit, for your own situation.
The good news is, we have done the research and hard work for you.
Our Ultimate Bug out Bag Guide will save you hours chasing all over the internet when putting together your own bug out bag.
It’s a comprehensive guide with checklists that you can pick and chose from. Based on the risks you face in your area.
If you want to cut to the chase and download the PDF for free, here it is: The Ultimate Bug out Bag List
If you just want to build a cheap bug out bag, try our paired down Bug out Bag Essentials list.
So are bug out bags necessary? Here’s a recap. Not for everyone. But for more and more of us. And definitely if one of the 4 scenarios above speaks to you. The idea that bug out bags are for survivalists only is a misconception. Bug out bags can be crucial in real-life emergencies, and they can make all the difference between life and death. Whether you live in a remote area, or are in a natural disaster zone, having a well-stocked and properly-equipped bug out bag can provide you and your family with the essential items needed to survive. In a future of worse and compounding disasters and emergencies, bug out bags are not just for preppers anymore.